Monday, September 7, 2009

A Cry for Help

I finished my purse! It is a noni pattern and it turned out gorgeous, but now comes what is to many knitters the worst aspect of an otherwise fantastic hobby - sewing. I sewed the bag into the frame, but to have a purse that is remotely useful I am going to need to sew in a lining.

I have a sewing machine. I actually really tried to learn sewing before I learned knitting. I hated it. It is very detail-oriented with lining things up and cutting in a straight line (which seems to be an impossible feat for me). It was a bit depressing, I had these great fashion ideas, but that outlet for them was not going to work out.

Now, sewing is back. The occasional odds and ends sewing that knitter requires is something that I have continued to procrastinate.

I don't know how to line my stupid purse! I am sad!