Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Roving too!

So, amidst the complex new schedule with work I did dye some new yarns and rovings these last couple days. Rovings eat up dye, so they are good for my leftover dyes from the yarns. I got some pretty fancy rovings, and inevitably, I want to spin them for myself. They are just so soft and I love the colors so much. Thus far, I have restrained myself.

Work is crazy. People have been really nice to me, but I can already see that alot of people don't get along with eachother. Which is weird, because I am not a drama girl. I mean, yeah, I am a crier. But I don't like create these situations people seem to enjoy. If you don't like someone, just deal with them as little as possible. Not that difficult, folks. It reminds me of high school and how the girls that didn't like me would go out of their way to make my life more difficult. And for what? If you don't like someone, they are still a person. And if they haven't done anything to you, being a jerk only proves them better than you. So don't be a jerk. I mean, seriously, that is actually the option that requires less effort - so what the hell!?

So, there's my first off-topic tirade. There are going to be sooo many of those. More yarn dyed pics to come.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Busy New Week

I haven't blogged recently for the none of you that are reading and for that I apologize. I actually just got a my first job after being a stay-at-home mom for the past 6 years. It is a total bummer, since I planned to stay home until the kids were all in school. And then my oldest turned out to be such a smartie, that I decided after much debate to homeschool. And now here I am back in the work force. It was a really weird first day. Being away from the kids is like walking around without my legs, but I do it for them. Times are tough, and my husband needs to focus on school. We will get through it, and be stronger for it. I just have to love them extra when I get home.

I did get to dye some new yarns for the weekend, and I ordered some with silver in it that I should have dyed and dried for next weekend. That is exciting. I want some sparkley socks, that sounds rad! So I have included some pics of the colorways.

I also started an ad campaign where I sent freebie skeins to aspiring designers, provided they credit me if there design is on Ravelry or wherever. And my first designer sent me a picture. She asked me not to share because she is trying to have them published, but they are rad. I am excited and I think she will be published. I wish I could share the picture with me zero readers, but oh well, that time will come.

I am also going to throw in a pic of my handspun.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"French Girl Knits"

We have all knit her individual patterns. I love them. Cute pieces done on big needles without seaming. Oh, how I love designers who avoid seaming! I had been checking her Website for like a year before the book came out, but oh how this book live up to hype. Although the long mohair jacket is too ambitious for my taste, all the patterns are very wearable and are not overly complex. I want to make almost every single thing! I love that many of the patterns are wearable even in my southern climate. This book is filled with gorgeous items, and as soon as my current knitting agenda is complete, a project from here will definitely be next!