Monday, April 27, 2009

Frogging Hell

I am not a patient person, but with 3 kids it is an attribute I have been trying to gain. That said, I do not like to frog projects. And I know it is the cardinal sin of knitting, but I rarely if ever gauge swatch. Did you stop reading my blog? That is okay, I am surprised if anyone gets here at all anyway! I just feel like I am wasting time. I will check gauge as I am knitting something and then frog if I have to.

But I am just leading you into my real point. I have started my first pattern. Sure I have knit hats in the past, but nothing of real design. I am designing my very first pair of socks, and with one of my own yarns, of course. I cannot post pictures, until I have attempted to get it on Knitty. Hey, you at least have to try!

So wish me luck!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Finished My Kai-Meis

Yeah that's right. They are done, they were fast and they are rad. So, comfy, and the design isn't too elaborate so the pattern and yarn do not compete. I am sooo pleased

Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh my god! So yesterday, I got called into work and I decorated cakes. I didn't really have a clue for a while, because I really haven't been trained nearly enough, but there it was. I did my best and I was really glad I had practiced, but there were things I couldn't have practiced. I jumped in and overall I would say it went all right. I think my willingness to work is going to make them take the chance on me and give me the time to learn my new job.

The kids really enjoyed my practice and the icing eating they were able to experience in its aftermath.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where Have I Been

So, I get up this morning to check my e-mail, and low and behold some actually COMMENTED ON MY BLOG! Yay! That so makes my day! It is a huge motivation to post more frequently.

So at work I am trying to get into the Bakery dept. I figure they make more and decorating cakes is arty (and hey, I am arty) and just so much more interesting than making coffee. However, in order to get into the cake decorating dept., I must practice. Not only that, but of course I don't have alot of time because I pretty much have to prove myself right freakin' now (okay, like Sunday, but still). So stay tuned later today for my feeble yet slowly improving attempts at cake decorating. I can do it! Right? And yes, I will post pictures.

Additionally, I am very close to finishing my second Kai-Mai sock and it should be finished by tonight, so I will post pictures of that as well.

Thank you commenter for giving me hope!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sparkley Kai-Mei's

Here it is. I started my first socks from Sock Innovation. Cookie A's Kai-Mei socks are knitting up so superfast! And the sparkley yarn is so super soft and the depth of color is amazing! I am in love.

I was showing them off at work, and no one probably gets it cuz they are not knitters.. yet. Perhaps I should create my own new breed of knitters, who only know how to knit with yarns dyed or spun by me.. hmm... Now if only I had charisma and stuff.

I want to design my first socks for my son. But then boys socks can't have too much going on. So, I don't know.

Tomorrow at work I decorate cakes. I am so freaking excited. If I have to be away from my kids, at the very least I should get to paint. I miss them. Today I woke up at 4 for work, and now even though I was off at 1:30 pm, I am so tired that I am basically useless.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


What is the deal with Intarsia. I thought I had it, I really did. I was knitting the above flame socks for my son , and I was so pleased with the result, but it just keeps coming out so tight. Why? If anyone at all reads this, please explain it to me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cookie A socks

Cookie A. rules! And today her new book Sock Innovations arrived. While I haven't had a chance to delve deep enough for a review, it appears to be a masterpiece. That socks all have her signature complexity, and it is has extremely detailed (maybe over my head - crap!) information for designing your own socks. The movement of her designs is awestriking. I am now trying to design a colorway of my SilverSoles sock yarn to go with my first sock from her book

Working has been okay. I work in a certain coffee chain. Seeing mommies and their babies makes me want to be home with my babies in an achingly painful sort of way. I miss the kids so much. It isn't getting easier. Still, in a family we make the best decision for the team, and this absolutely is the best decision for the team. My husband is an amazing man and a spectacular father, and he has thoroughly devoted himself to school. This is my part and I am happy to do it. At work I do my absolute best and try to always be bright and smiling. I want more money, but doing my best is my only shot. Stupid economy! Thanks alot dirty mortgage brokers@!