Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dyeing for sparkle

So I spent the weekend, and will spend the week, dyeing tons of yarn and drum carding. I was feeling springy as the picture to the left tells us. It is so pretty and wonderful to just be engulfed in the creation of so much color. It is freeing and relaxing.

I tried out a new dye. I think it was for screen printing, but my theory was to dilute enough that it wouldn't be stiff and that would add a little bit of sparkle to my yarns. It sort of worked. It is just that it had to be diluted sooo much, is there sparkle? I am not sure. I wish I could infuse the yarn with some sort of glitter. Can you spin that in? I know there is firestar and all that, but can you do something different? I am dedicated to finding out the answer to that question.

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